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Doctor Spotlight: Dr. Albert Cheng, One of AssessMed’s Leading Physiatrists

Posted on November 15th, 2016 by Don Kunkel

Doctor SpotlightThis is the second installment in our Doctor Spotlight Series, which we are putting together to highlight some of the experienced medical professionals we have working with our teams across Canada. We take pride in the care with which we choose our assessors, ensuring they are well credentialed, have current clinical experience and are in good standing with the respective regulatory bodies. All of our assessors are committed to offering high quality, evidence-based, and unbiased medical reports that reflect our professional values.

Did you miss the first blog in our Doctor Spotlight Series? Click here to read it now!

Dr. Albert Cheng, Physiatrist, possesses significant experience and expertise in the areas of neurologic rehabilitation (including traumatic brain injury and stroke) and clinical electrodiagnosis. He is licensed to practice medicine in the Province of Ontario by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.

Dr. Cheng’s Experience

Dr. Cheng has over twenty years of professional and educational experience. He completed his medical degree at the University of Western Ontario before moving to the University of Toronto to pursue his Residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and a Clinical Fellowship in Stroke Rehabilitation. He subsequently undertook further training from the American Board of Forensic Professionals (ABFP) to become certified in Impairment Rating.

Dr. Cheng currently holds positions as:

  • Physiatrist for Providence Healthcare, where he consults with patients and provides follow-up care to a large, active, and slow-stream in-patient rehabilitation organization. He also works with private outpatients referred from family physicians and specialists.
  • Physiatrist with the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, where he provides consultations, follow ups, and input to a team of allied health professionals overseeing individuals referred for outpatient rehabilitation of acquired and traumatic brain injuries, stroke, and multiple sclerosis (MS).
  • Instructor in the Division of Physiatry at the University of Toronto’s Department of Medicine.
  • Physiatry Independent Medical Examiner for AssessMed.

Dr. Cheng has been an Independent Medical Examiner with AssessMed since 2006 – performing insurers’ examinations following accidents benefits claims, as well as independent medicolegal examinations for both plaintiff and defence lawyers.

He maintains a strong, active presence in academic and professional communities. He continues to attend workshops and conferences throughout Canada and internationally. He has been involved with a number of committees and organizations including Providence Healthcare and the CareFirst Seniors and Community Services Association. He also upholds a number of professional affiliations (Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, Canadian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, Canadian Medical Protective Agency, Ontario Medical Association, and the Canadian Medical Association).

Dr. Cheng’s Areas of Expertise

After completing his residency training in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Dr. Cheng received specialist certification and Fellow designation from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

His major areas of interest and specialization include:

  • Physical Medicine, encompassing the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of a variety of musculoskeletal conditions like inflammatory and osteoarthritic conditions of the spine and joints, soft tissue pain conditions, recovery following bony fractures, and chronic pain syndrome. Dr. Cheng puts an emphasis on a functional-based approach to treatment, with prudent use of pharmacologic and allied health interventions when indicated. He also possesses expertise in independent medical assessments of patients involved in accidents and workplace-related injuries.
  • Neurologic Rehabilitation, including the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of numerous neurologic conditions such as stroke, acquired and traumatic brain injury, Multiple Sclerosis, ALS, Guillian Barre Syndrome, and spinal cord injury.
  • Electrodiagnosis, having training in the use of Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS) and Electromyography (EMG) to complement the clinical examination and diagnosis of patients with possible entrapment neuropathy, cervical or lumbosacral radiculopathy, polyneuropathy, myopathy, and other neuromuscular conditions.
  • Spasticity Management, being particularly skilled in the clinical assessment and management of focal spasticity, especially in the setting of upper motor neuron syndrome resulting from stroke, brain injury, MS, or cerebral palsy (including use of Botulinum Toxin Type A).

Dr. Cheng uses his training, experience, and expertise to provide impartial assessments in complex medicolegal cases.

Since 1991, AssessMed has assisted organizations by providing objective IME services across Canada. Contact us today to learn about our suite of CARF-accredited offerings.

Stay tuned to our blog for the next installment in our Doctor Spotlight series!

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