Virtual Independent Psychiatric/Psychological Examinations
As of today, AssessMed staff and assessors are all fully armed with the ability to offer all clients Virtual Mental Health Assessments on all currently booked assessments and any new referrals.
What is a Virtual Mental Health Assessment?
Quite simply it is a process whereby, a psychiatrist/psychologist conducts their regular assessment very similarly to an in-person but virtually. Face to face via AssessMed’s virtual medical platform. The assessment request is sent to AssessMed through normal channels (for the time being all LOI for assessors and med briefs must come electronic transfer) and in return, you are provided with the date for the virtual mental health assessment.
During the virtual assessment session, the psychiatrist or psychologist will use his/her regular process of gathering information about the plaintiff to make a diagnosis with the help of the medical file review and with help establish/attribute causation where required. With virtual mental health assessments, the psychiatrist or psychologist will still be able to make direct observations, and specific psychological tests can be administered.
Key Advantages to Virtual Psychiatric/Psychological Assessments
- The opportunity to initiate new referrals through AssessMed and meet deadlines for mediation, settlement discussions, etc.
- Avoid the mad rush that will inevitably ensue when in-person assessments are again socially permissible.
- Make your client feel confident that they are still front of mind. By giving them facetime with a psychiatrist/psychologist you are letting them know you are still focused on their file and utilizing creative means to advance their file needs.
- Reduced cost compared to an in-person assessment
- Avoid Travel Costs of plaintiff and/or assessor
- Should the need arise in the future for the assessor to examine the plaintiff, the assessor has already fully reviewed the file, and the cost of in-person would be reduced based on the size of new medical records.
- All of the above continues to be coordinated by AssessMed with the same attention to detail and timeliness in process.
- By booking as many referrals as possible now in this manner, you are allowing assessors and their intake staff to keep active on your files. For those cases where we cannot book the virtual psychiatric assessment now but need to book an assessment when we are back to business as usual, our assessor pool will have more capacity for rush assessment requests.
- Ability to get fairly immediate psychiatric treatment recommendations inclusive of recommended prescription medications for the plaintiff.
- Virtual mental health assessments can take place online, in a lawyer’s office, in some select AssessMed staffed offices or from the plaintiff’s home. As a last resort, the virtual Interview can also be completed by telephone.
- Psychiatrists and psychologists are prepared to do a full medical file review and virtual interview to offer verbal or written opinions.
- While there are no cancellation fees for this service, plaintiff cooperation is, of course, vital in the process. The assessor would continue to formulate his/her opinion based on the medical file review.
Our virtual care solutions allow for secure video and messaging between clinicians and patients via a web browser. The security safeguards are compliant with the regulations and conditions set forth in the Health Insurance Portability and Availability Act.