Working from Home Employee Agreement
I, the undersigned, an employee of AssessMed Inc. (“Employer”) understand that on certain days, as specified by my manager, I may be required to work from home (“WFH”). The requirement for WFH may occur in circumstances where I cannot work at the location of my Employer or travel to that location due to safety concerns or based on governmental restrictions on travel associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. I agree to all of the following when WFH:
- I will continue to abide by all confidentiality and privacy policies as a condition of my employment with the Employer and consistent with my professional obligations, including protecting the confidential information of Employer’s clients and examinees.
- I will continue to comply with all of the Employer’s policies, guidelines and instructions, including those related to information security, access to company systems and the maintenance of any company supplied hardware and software.
- I understand that WFH is limited to my private residence only, and that I cannot work from a public place.
- I confirm that the area where WFH services will be provided by me, is a safe and secure place to work for data security and privacy purposes.
- I will take reasonable precautions necessary to secure the Employer’s equipment.
- I will work in accordance with the direction provided by my manager and in accordance with the training and operating procedures specified to me.
The above noted requirements are supplemental to my current employment agreement and professional obligations, and in no way limit or replace such obligations. I acknowledge that I understand and accept the Work From Home terms and conditions outlined above.