Quality assessments - timely reporting
How Job Site Assessments and Functional Abilities Evaluations Benefit Employee Health and Safety

Posted on June 30th, 2015 by Don Kunkel

IME Information - ClipboardCertain industries and environments are more prone to occasional workplace injuries than others.

There are many Independent Medical Examination services aimed at reintegrating employees into their respective workplaces and keeping them healthy in the process.

Two of AssessMed’s services can be used together to generate specific reports pertaining to an employee’s health and ability to safely complete workplace duties.  

About Job Site Assessments

As with any Independent Medical Examination service, the specific details of a Job Site Assessment vary on a case-by-case basis.

However, they are performed to outline the requirements that an employee must meet to successfully perform his or her job.

Job Site Assessments are carried out by an AssessMed Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist. AssessMed will make arrangements with an employee’s workplace to conduct the worksite assessment.

The Evaluator will examine the physical demands of the job the individual was performing and a detailed and specific report will be compiled based on these observations and discussions with the individual’s manager or supervisor.

About Functional Abilities Evaluations

Before reintegration into the workplace, ill or injured employees may undergo a Functional Abilities Evaluation (FAE).

Also known as a Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE), this assessment evaluates an individual’s physical limitations and restrictions as appropriate in the context of work, activities of daily living, or both.

When combined with a Job Site Assessment, Functional Abilities Evaluations identify an examinee’s ability to complete physical activities that are specific to their individual jobs.

Depending on the case, medical professionals may test:

  • Effort
  • Strength
  • Conditioning
  • Muscular endurance
  • Sustained activity tolerances
  • Repetitive working tolerances

Individuals who receive an assessment can expect health care professionals to be thorough, yet respectful.

Functional Abilities Evaluations and Job Site Assessments work in tandem to produce specific information, indicating whether or not an individual can safely return to work or resume daily activities.

>> Since 1991, AssessMed has assisted organizations by providing Independent Medical Examination services across Canada. Contact us today to learn about our suite of CARF-accredited offerings.

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