COVID-19 Safety Protocol
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve been dedicated to keeping our Examinees, Assessors, and staff safe as we continue to offer quality assessments and services in our facilities nationwide.
We have put several enhanced protocols in place to ensure we can provide in-person services with enhanced safety protocols, many of which well exceed provincial public health requirements. We call our elevated safety protocols, doing things the S.A.F.E.R way as demonstrated below:
S: SCREENING of all Assessors, Examinees, and staff to ensure safety for all
- Complete a telephone screen via questionnaire prior to attending.
- Everyone who enters an AssessMed location is Nurse screened on a secondary basis prior to entering the location via questionnaire and touchless temperature screening.
- Everyone is required to sanitize their hands, put on PPE including masks, gloves and shoe covers prior to entering the facility.
A: ADJUSTING our Workspace to maintain social distancing
- To accommodate physical spacing operating days and/or hours will be expanded.
- Appointment times are staggered to enable social distancing, screening and time for cleaning assessment and common areas/equipment.
- Waiting and assessment areas have been rearranged to maintain 2m physical distancing with signage and floor decals as reminders.
F: FOCUSED efforts on enhanced cleaning and disinfecting our offices
- Plexiglas screen guards have been installed at all locations in both reception and interview rooms.
- Staff are responsible for cleaning the equipment and high touch surfaces in between each appointment in all areas of the locations.
- Workstations and all equipment are sanitized before and after use or as needed throughout the workday, including high touch surfaces such as desks, phone, computer, printer, pens, door handles etc.
E: EFFECTIVE usage of Personal Protective Equipment
- Everyone is required to sanitize their hands, put on PPE including masks, gloves and shoe covers prior to entering a facility.
- Education provided on the proper use of PPE including donning and doffing procedures.
- Clinicians are required to wear and change gloves between each assessment.
- Assessors are provided with face shields as required for physical exams.
R: REACHING the best possible outcomes
Rest assured, as we navigate this pandemic, we are doing so in full alignment with regularly updated recommendations made by credible health authorities like the World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Canadian Public Health Agency, Provincial Public Health Authorities and the Regulatory Colleges.
We have attached for your perusal our extensive protocols and procedures that are currently in place at AssessMed. We will continue to keep you updated on our service delivery model as things continuously evolve during this very fluid situation.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact a member of the AssessMed leadership Team.
Additional information on Assessmed’s COVID19 Preparations:
AssessMed Clinical COVID Protocols
Screening Form
Examinee Protocol Info Sheet
Assessor and Assistant Protocol Info Sheet
STER-OL Infection Control System
Other Stakeholder Screening Protocol