Canadian Defence Lawyers (CDL): Atlantic Canada Annual Program
Event Date: April 20th, 2017
Event Time: 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia (Halifax Marriott Harbourfront, 1919 Upper Water St)
Canadian Defence Lawyers is pleased to be presenting its Atlantic Canada Annual Program, an afternoon of high quality, accredited programming from Canada’s only national provider of CLE specifically tailored to Canada’s defence bar. It is also a great chance to get together with your colleagues in the defence bar and from the insurance community in general.
CDL’s programs are open to everyone: defence counsel at all levels, insurers, industry professionals – providing training for the entire defence team.
AssessMed is proud to be a sponsor of the event, which will feature a talk from Dr. Zohar Waisman (Forensic Psychiatrist) and Dr. Ben Clark (Physiatrist) about their expertise and experience in the context of the Independent Medical Examination.
Click here to learn more about the event and register.